Only on 6: Exclusive look inside Mohawk Harbor, details on new riverfront amphitheater

CBS 6 was invited to take a boat tour of the development going up right next to the Rivers Casino, until now, a view only seen by the builders themselves.
David Buicko is a name-to-know in Schenectady. Buicko is the President and CEO of Galesi Group, which developed the Rivers Casino, and these days he’s doing a lot of his work by boat.
“There will be nothing like this is the Capital District,” Buicko said.
Buicko invited CBS 6’s Anne McCloy aboard his pontoon boat, for an exclusive look inside the harbor he says will change this region forever. The Mohawk harbor is private property. Until now only a handful of people have been allowed in by boat. Buicko says building the harbor alone cost more than $10 million.
Read Full Story: Here
McCloy, Anne. “Only on 6: Exclusive Look inside Mohawk Harbor, Details on New Riverfront Amphitheater.” WRGB. 29 June 2017. Web. 30 June 2017
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