Groundbreaking for Ayco building set for Monday

Groundbreaking ceremonies for a 150,000-square-foot office building at the site of the former Starlite Theater in Latham will be held at 11 a.m. Monday. The project, being developed by the Galesi Group, will be anchored by financial services firm Ayco.
The $23.6 million project is expected to be the home for as many as 1,030 Ayco employees by 2021. Ayco currently has 870 employees spread among locations in Saratoga Springs, Colonie and Albany.
In its heyday, the Starlite attracted acts ranging from Wayne Newton to Blood, Sweat and Tears. It closed in 1997 and was demolished 15 years later.
Groundbreaking for Ayco building set for Monday. (n.d.). Times Union. Retrieved August 09, 2018, from
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