Boat Traffic on Mohawk River Expected to Increase With Opening of Schenectady Casino

ALBANY, N.Y. — Boat traffic on the Mohawk River is expected to increase dramatically when Rivers Casino opens next year.
As development of the site nears completion, the Schenectady County Sheriff’s Office is looking to expand their marine patrol unit. More than 20 miles of the Mohawk River is monitored by just two marine patrol officers with one boat.
“We go from just outside Niskayuna, that’s just east of lock 7, all the way to the Montgomery County line,” said Lt. Jason Temple, Marine Patrol for the Schenectady County Sheriff’s Office.
The patrol program was reinstated last summer after a four year hiatus. The Schenectady County Sheriff’s Office expects Rivers Casino and the adjacent Mohawk Harbor development to bring more boaters to the area.
“The attraction of the casino is just going to bring more traffic to the area,” said Lt. Temple.
Once construction is complete, the Mohawk Harbor development at Rivers Casino is expected to have up to 50 spaces for boaters to dock.
Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara toured the river with the marine patrol Saturday.
“We are expecting more traffic on the River. It is definitely a good thing. Tourism is good for the Schenectady area and we want to support the officers here on the river,” said Assemblyman Santabarbara.
Stackhouse, Terry. “Boat Traffic on Mohawk River Expected to Increase With Opening of Schenectady Casino.” TWC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Aug. 2016.
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