SYRACUSE, NY – December 5, 2017 – An environmental cleanup project at a former industrial site in Schenectady, NY has received the 2018 New York Engineering Excellence Platinum Award in the Environmental category from the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC New York).
ACEC New York will be awarding Barton & Loguidice (B&L) a 2018 Platinum Award for the Former Alco Site – Brownfield Clean-Up Project at the 51st Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Gala on April 7, 2018 in New York City. Barton & Loguidice completed a brownfield site cleanup of an industrial site affected by coal residuals, petroleum, and chlorinated solvents that have been redeveloped with a blend of commercial and residential uses. B&L collaborated with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to develop cost-saving tactics for this project. These tactics included using former building foundation clean concrete as subsurface road base and site fill, and coordinating the remedial design with the site development designs to remove 20 feet of soil for the elimination of sections of the solvent plume. The final site development included the Rivers Casino, new apartment and townhome complexes, hotels, restaurants, a new inland harbor off the Mohawk River, and public open space including a bicycle path and river walk.
Read the full article here
Richmond, Jill. “Barton & Loguidice Wins ACEC New York 2018 Engineering Excellence Award.” CenterState CEO, 29 Aug. 2018,
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