Alco site cleanup complete, DEC announces

Contamination cleanup is complete on two parcels at the Mohawk Harbor site, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation announced.

The former Alco site contained PCBs, metals and other chemicals that needed to be removed and disposed of as the land was redeveloped by Galesi Group. The site is part of the state’s Brownfield program, which offers tax breaks for companies to cleanup contaminated properties and redevelop them. Site cleanup took place under a DEC approved Interim Remedial Measure.

At the portion of the site that borders the Mohawk River, about 72 tons of PCB and metal-contaminated soil and roughly 1,170 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil were excavated and disposed of off-site, according to a DEC press release.

Another five gallons of diesel soil was recovered and disposed off-site, and about 10,000 gallons of contaminated groundwater was collected, treated and sent to the Schenectady wastewater treatment plant, according to the press release.

At the parcel of land sandwiched between the STS Steel site and the land bordering the Mohawk River, another 900 tons of contaminated soil and 100 gallons of diesel oil was removed and disposed of, while approximately 20,000 gallons of contaminated groundwater was collected, treated and sent to the wastewater treatment plant.

Site cover has since been installed on both parcels of land to allow for residential use of the property. Cover consists of buildings, pavement and soil.

Read the full story: here

Samuels, Brett. “Alco Site Cleanup Complete, DEC Announces.” The Daily Gazette. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016. .

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